Friday, September 25, 2009

My BFF is HIV Positive!

In my desire to make my vacation a big blast which was set last April and May, I planned it out 5 months earlier. I visited google search frequently looking for informations that I can start with. My objective is to explore my gayness in the capital.

Thorough this I encountered a blog entry when I hit Malate, gay capital in the Philippines on the search bar. The author gave me detailed informations on what to expect in the place. His blog page also gave me links on other gay related sites that were very helpful. Fascinated by the way he writes, I read all his entries on his archives and found out that he is HIV positive. Blessings in disguise, it gave me interest to broaden my knowledge on the disease and cautioned me when my vacation will come.

Last April and May, the time came. I explored Manila. We went to Bathhouses, Dance Clubs, Movie Houses, Coffee Shops or even public parks and university premises that are known for finding hook-ups. I have less guilt to be infected if I just consider my sexual encounters during that period but still, I did not get my self tested.

Last September 25, my very good friend, Bobby whom I spend my happy moments in Manila during my vacation talked to me online. He informed me that our classmate in high school, Earl (gay) died with AIDS. I was shocked; I spend time with him on my vacation. I can’t imagine that I will know someone personally that will be infected by the disease. Bobby made a follow-up question: “Ikaw ba kapag nalaman mong HIV positive ako, di ka magbabago?” Equipped with the info I read from bloggers who are HIV Positive, I gave him words that might comforted him. And the big revelation came, my very good friend for almost 2 decades is positive with HIV. I immediately called him and felt the pain in his heart. His last words on the phone were: “Sana nandito ka!” and I answered him, “Bobby, you are my best friend forever!” and the line disconnected.

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