Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HIV, a new understanding

The last and first time I saw HIV/AIDS victim was in 1994 in the person of Sarah Jane Salazar. I was on my second year high school when she together with some officials from Department of Health visited our school for information drive about the disease. I get interested on the topic more or less because that was the time I started to go to Movie Houses for paid sex.

I was 50 meters away from the speaker although the sound waves from the amplifiers that entered to my ears were clear enough for me to be cautious.

The only thing I remembered was, the disease is deadly and cannot be cured. I learned from that time, as what I understood, that most of the carriers are drug addicts and sex workers. I feel safe because I am not an addict although I had multiple sex partners in a month, but still did not bother me.

From 1994 up to the present I did not practice safe sex, although that was my most active sex life years. I’m quite surprise when some of my encounters encourage me to use condom. I get suspicious to those who peel the aluminum wrapper on their teeth while we are on our way to cloud nine. I’m not comfortable using it. Thanks God that my Medical Certificate was clear when I took it prior to my work here in Dubai .

Chronicles of E.blogspot; Back in the Closet.blogspot; gave me another view of the disease. I might more than 50 meters away from them because I am from the other side of the world, but their message is so clear (thanks, internet!). That, I should not only be cautious but to show respect and be extra sensitive especially to those victims. They let me feel the hardships and challenges they have as they live their life, but still able to be productive. They introduce me to the disease on a greater perspective. They educate me.

Yesterday was another story. When I posted my comment on back in the closet.blogspot entitled emergency (, I received few contradicting arguments from other commenter including e whom I respected so much for his effectiveness in story writing and his generosity to share his life experiences that would help other people. He might get hurt on my point or disagree on what I believe now but that was out from my honest self.

Nevertheless, these people gave me a new understanding of HIV.

Thanks guys!


Danny said...

I read the thread at backinthecloset that you mentioned. So many had reacted on your comment. I just hoped that you were just misunderstood and you're not the person they think you are.

They probably have reacted that way because you have chosen the word "paranoid". Although paranoia means psychological disorder, we have different perceptions of its meaning.

You also gave an unusual situation, you are confined in the hospital. I just hope that you will not be paranoid to be with and HIV positive person outside of the hospital. hehehe...

. said...

Gaya ng sabi ko sa aking entry dude.

There are fears that should be left unspoken and let those who truly live with it speak for themselves as we listen and quietly heed their advice.

Until we finally learn to accept and embrace their lives.

I learn too. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind if a doctor with HIV would treat me of a heart disease if that doctor would be more of a healer than a terror.