Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My DIFF Experience

For 28 years of living on this world, the last 4 days was my closest encounter with the stars. Although they were not famous, except for Nicholas Cage (Hollywood Actor) most of them are, on their own country. I was able to meet and greet with film production team and its actors came from different side of the world for the 5th Dubai International Film Festival.

I joined them as a volunteer from December 14 – 17 from 9:00am to 3:00pm as an Admin Crew. Basically, I supplied newsletter and other reading materials for the day to all the Departments that includes press & media, industry office, film market, etc. and to all screening venues like Madinat Theatre, Mall of Emirates, Dubai Festival City, and IBN Batuta Mall. We also visited Al Qasr and Mina Asalam – two of the most famous hotels in Dubai where the participants stayed to provide necessities to the hospitality desk that the festival provided for them. Although the task requires big effort, the whole experience was amazing. I was able to work harmoniously to more than 10 different nationalities that needs me to communicate in English the whole time plus I discover new places.

I worked with very hardworking Indians, Ms. Vanessa and Mr. Vishal in an office where Bob McCarthy, British – Manager of Volunteers and other key personalities also working. Every now and then I go out to check if the supplies are still enough on each offices and the same time greet them with my warmest smile that made me more confident to myself.

See you next year for the 6th Dubai International Film Festival!

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